Sunday, February 17, 2013

Barack Obama is Not A Savior of Colored Folk

We once were Kings and Queens of land abundant of oil, diamonds and nature. We once were spiritual and had extensive knowledge about the world and the skies above it.

We once had our own land where we tended to it as it in turned provided food and shelter.

Our ancestors were brought to what is known today as America to build this country. Many of them died on the trip coming here. Even more were beaten to death... What reason would result in being beat to death from an equal? How could a man take another mans right to fight back?

It makes no sense at all how our ancestors were treated over 400 hundred years ago. But we should not forget about those events either. We do not succumb to being depressed or even hateful and unorganized rebel against the system. To make things clear early, I am not a racist. But I do notice a vast amount of bigotry and republicommunist <yes I put that word together on purpose> society inflicted by one particular race... As if they control the entire system including  Military, Government, Spiritual, Scholarship, Leadership, and Science... But who am I to question such a perfect system. The Law works perfectly, there are more religions than just Christianity (I'll touch on this one later), the school system is not flawed, we are not lab rats to the Food & Drug Administration, and real quality music isn't being rejected by the big record companies in favor for those with lack of talent to further the stupefication process that began in kindergarten.

I look at my race today and I am not proud of what we have succumbed to and I honestly can say we are not progressing at all. When a rapper named Two Chainz got signed to Def Jam, I lost hope. (sarcasm for those who are 2Chainz aka Tity Boi fans. He's a great rapper....(scoffs).

Okay okay I'm done. I don't want people to assume that I am "hating" on this man. I'm just stating my opinion, which I am entitled to so respect just that. 

Back to the point.

First off, when you ride through any hood, you know your in one. Main reason you ask? Because it is not well maintained. (Also not saying every hood in America )  And they label it by also having certain markets, corner stores, beauty supply's, barbershops, liquor stores etc. for the people that live in it. Like classification of some sort.. People don't take care of the area of which they live, on top of the city not seeing the area as worthy of fixing. That happens quite often. I honestly don't know what more to expect or even want been that most people are perfectly fine with how things are now. Who am I to even say the system constructed around us is wrong? I could be just another conspiracy theorist just wanting to be heard. Either way, it is evident that something is very wrong. Black men and black women of back in the day were seemingly forced to thrive and survive the way they did. But some blacks today just run on autopilot into the direction we are all heading.... President Obama is not our savior and we made it nowhere.

Simple fact of the matter is..

They wanted him in office.

If not, do you really think a black man would have ever gotten into the White House without wanting him to? And having him SELECTED not ELECTED twice? And most likely a 3rd time just to change laws to continue the path they continue in dropping the NWO. For those who do not know what that acronym stands for, it means New World Order.

To Be cont'd....real soon...

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